Supplier FAQs
How do I register on the portal?
You are able to self-register by following the 'New Registration' link on the main page. Upon successful registration a temporary password will be emailed to the entered email address. Please allow up to 15 minutes for this email to be received. If you have not received your password in this time, please check your Spam and Junk mailboxes to ensure your email software has not filtered the message automatically. If you need assistance you can access the "Supplier Quick User Guide" on the portal Homepage
Do I have to pay to take part in events on the portal?
No, participation in negotiation events is completely free of charge, as is any support you might need in completing your response
How do I get a password?
You can request a new password by clicking the "I CAN NOT ACCESS MY ACCOUNT" link on the main page. You will be required to enter your username and the email you registered with, your username is not necessarily your email address. An email containing a temporary password will then be sent to the registered email address. If you have not received your password within 15 minutes check your Spam and Junk mailboxes. It is recommended that you close all internet browser windows before entering your new temporary password. Enter your temporary password exactly as it appears in the email. Please note, for security reasons new passwords cannot be provided over the phone.
What if I forget my username?
You can request a user name reminder by clicking the "I CAN NOT ACCESS MY ACCOUNT" link on the main page. Then click on Recover Username. You will be required to enter your email and the validation value that is shown on screen.
I can't find the event I am interested in. Why might that be?
You will only be able to view requests to which you have been invited to participate. When you are invited, you should receive an email with a link which you can click on to access the portal. Make sure that you check both the RFI and RFQ areas if you are invited to participate and cannot identify the relevant event.
How do I respond to an event on the portal?
To participate in events, you must first be registered and logged in to the portal. Once logged in you can access the relevant RFI, RFQ or Auction by clicking on the relevant link. You will only see events in which you are invited to participate. Select the RFI or RFQ you are interested in and click on "Create Response to start inserting your response". Within the event, you will be able to download buyer attachments, send and receive messages with the buyer and publish your response. Help for common response questions can be found within the site by clicking on the "Help?" link in the top right hand corner of the page. This links is displayed at the top of most pages once logged in. Please ensure you have reviewed this content in the first instance.
Can I contact the buyer direct?
Please note that secure messages can only be sent to the buyer in relation to a specific project; you must be logged in to access the secure messaging area. After logging in, navigate to the project you wish to send a message against. The "messages" area is located on the left hand side of the page within the event. Click on 'unread messages' to expand the list of options available to you. You can now create a new message by clicking 'Create Message', adding attachments if appropriate. Once you have finished composing your message, click 'Send Message'.
I have not received any communication from the Marelli portal, even though I am involved in a Request for Quotation. What might be the reason?
The portal sends automated emails to the email address which is inserted when you register your company on the portal. Please ensure that this email address is always updated and that you have access to it. Also make sure you check your "junk mail" filter.
How do I send an attachment with my response?
To upload a document attachment to a specific question, click on the 'Click to attach file' link within the question. In the next window, select 'Upload File' and click on the 'Browse/Choose file' button. You must then select the file you wish to upload; click 'Open' and then click 'Attach'. Please ensure that you save your response using the buttons found at the top or bottom of the page. This will ensure that your uploaded document attachment is saved to your response. For some events, you will be able to upload generic documents. You will find the link to upload generic attachments at the bottom of each envelope.
Who can I contact if I need further help?
For additional information and assistance, you can access the Supplier Quick User Guide" on the portal Homepage, and if you are unable to find the response to your query you can contact the Helpdesk at the contact information provided.